I'm forever blowing bubbles
It was a cold weekend spent mostly standing around in full coat and scarf watching other people run about.
On Saturday, we slowly recovered from our Friday night in Brick Lane with Steve, Hannah, Andy and Charlotte, and headed off to Upton Park to watch the Hammers hammer Watford.
It was weird watching 'my' team (family tradition rather than because I've ever seen West Ham play before) play Watford because, compared to normal, I cared EVEN LESS who won or what was going on!
All I know is that it was f*ing cold and there were no veggie pies at half time. West Ham won 3-2 but to hear a proper Hammerite, like Travis, talk you'd think they had just lost the FA cup or something. Some people are never happy.
Saturday night, we just fell asleep as we clearly can't take the pace any more.
Sunday morning, we were up and cycling before breakfast. TOH did really well and only crashed into a fence once, sustaining a slight graze and bruise to the upper arm.
We went to Newham City Farm again and laughed at the piglets having mock fights in some hay.
As the afternoon drew on, and it got really cold and rainy, we headed off to Surrey Quays to watch Phil, Gordy and Tom run the Nike 10k night run.
Ho ho ho! It never fails to be please me that I never got into running. 30,000 people shivering in the wind and dark to run round Bermondsey! What on earth possesses people to do this kind of thing? Even The Other Half, marathon man, was glad he was having nothing to do with it!
By the time most runners had finished, they were covered in dirty road splash all up the backs of their legs.
The funniest thing though, was the tube announcer asking people 'for the comfort of other passengers' to refrain from getting changed in the station.