A bird's eye view

Life from where I see it

Monday, November 08, 2004

Old friends and floods

Yes, yes, I know I said I’d gone off drinking and then proceeded to down several vodka-and-cranberries and mojitos (both of which count has health drinks, by the way) on Friday. But that is part of why I don’t like drinking – it’s like Pringles for me, once I pop I just can’t stop. And then I feel reeeeeely shit the next day. It’s my age, see.

But one thing about going off the booze is the reaction from others – people around me look horrified, as if I had calmly announced I was taking up crack cocaine, rather than giving up alcohol, which does actually damage the body.

Anyway, Friday was a cause of celebration. Bridget was back (Hurrah!), Helen (with tiny Wilkinson on board – congratulations!) and James were out, Gail was there, carefully avoiding wheat, yeast, alcohol, and various carbohydrates, and Steve and Jo were there! Oh, and the Other Half, looking very dapper as usual.

Saturday, however, was a bit of a bummer. I went shopping to buy something to wear with my posh Prada shoes. So far, so good. When I went to get said shoes from the cupboard, to my horror, I discovered they were soaking wet and covered in mould and spores.

What the f…!

It turns out the leak, which has been raining on our bathroom from the flats above, had spread under the floors into our bedroom cupboard and soaked the carpet and about £800-worth of ‘designer footwear’.

Our flat is now a complete tip – we have an industrial dehumidifier, pikey Argos clothes rails full of shirts and suits cluttering up the spare room, a collection of ruined shoes and a bathroom with holes cut in the ceiling and wet, brown-stained walls.

The Other Half was NOT happy. The only light at the end of the tunnel was that we were going out to dinner with Lee and Katie – two of our most upbeat friends who really did cheer us up.

So despite the fact I had to wear inferior shoes, the evening was a big success. Especially as the powers that be put on a brilliant firework display outside our window on the dock!


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