A bird's eye view

Life from where I see it

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Finally recovered!

What a fantastic weekend! I wanna do it all over again!

Friday night, Jen, Jo, Tidy, V HBB, V Samps, Sara, and Kelly came over to my place for Thai takeaway and booze. It was a wonderfully warm evening and we stayed up late-ish gassing and getting in the mood for the big day!

Saturday we woke up and had breakfast. I was getting a bit tetchy because people were hiding and giggling in my bedroom and I didn't know what was going on! I am such a control freak! But also I was afraid that I would hold everyone up by not getting ready on time (a bit like every time me and TOH go out!).

But I did get ready and we set off just a few minutes late. And so the magical mystery day began for real.

I had no idea where we were going or why everyone had such big bags with them. We eventually got off the tube and headed into Hyde Park where they girls promptly festooned me with fairy wings, a wand and a pink cowboy hat with built-in tiara, (which I love and will wear at any opportunity from now on!).

So I wasn't looking like a complete pratt on my own, they all pulled out a pair of baby fairy wings and put them on - during the course of the day they slowly cut off the supply of blood to their arms as I think they were designed for little people!

The first surprise was boating on the Serpentine. We had two rowing boats but the wind was so strong we kept getting blown into the bank. At one point the other boat to mine was so stuck, a man came over shouting that he couldn't bear to watch anymore and pushed them off.

We had races (my boat won, naturally) and only got a bit splashed. Then we wandered off into the park for a picnic.

After filling our guts with yummy snackrels, Jenny disappeared leaving us to wander back down to the boat hut to meet her there. But a big surprise - she turned up with a fit young man who was to give us a rollerblading lesson!

And the reason why everyone had so much luggage with them was that they had hidden my blades in their bags for the lesson! And Jo had squeezed hers into her suitcase too.

The lesson was fantastic. We were all spiralling around a stretch of road, dressed as pink fairys and attracting quite a crowd. It was so much fun.

Miraculously no one was hurt, despite there being some spectacular tumbles.

After, we grabbed all our baggage and headed off into the park. I had no idea where we were going until we arrived outside Holmes Place in Mayfair to use the pool, jacuzzi and steam rooms!

What luxury. What a wonderful relaxing time we had. What an expression the lone man in the spa pool had on his face when eight bikined lovelies clambered in with him!

It was the perfect place to end the activities as we had plenty of showers and mirrors for everyone to get ready to go for drinking and dancing.

To be continued ...


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