A bird's eye view

Life from where I see it

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Consumed by marital concerns

1. Venue bollocksed up the food tasting. They had a mass tasting with about 10 other couples, all meat dishes and had no idea who we were or what our menu was.

2. Tried dress on again. It hasn't been altered yet but it somehow looked better than last time so panic over. Although health and fitness regime is finally kicking in and I am losing weight almost without trying, which is good, but not if I keep shrinking.

3. So much needs sorting out that I dare go beyond three.

We went to see Sin City the other day - it's quite a brilliant film visually and has a very gripping storyline. My only gripe is that it contrives to make women victims so that the heroes can come and rescue them.

On Monday, I had the first of three personal training sessions that I won in a competition at work. It was actually quite good fun in that the girl worked out a circuit around the canal near the factory which involved leaping on and off benches and skipping and the like and NO running, which is always a good thing. I did the circuit again today suggesting that this is something that I might be able to keep up! But not too much - I can't lose any more weight!


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