A bird's eye view

Life from where I see it

Thursday, September 16, 2004


I took the second step towards saving the planet last night by attending my first Greenpeace meeting.

The Other Half and I arrived at the Royal Festival Hall in good time for the 7.30pm start. The only problem was we had no idea what the people we were supposed to meeting looked like.

I had a very amusing half-hour, or so, wandering round the foyer bar asking likely-looking candidates if they "were Greenpeace". You know the types – people wearing badges and outdoorsy clothes, with mumsie hair. (Just like me and the Other Half! not.)

When I asked a security guard if he knew who they were (there is a meeting every month, you see) he looked at me like I was mad and said: "Green piece. Naaaa, I ain’t never heard of nuffin like that."

Eventually, a rather glamorous woman walked in (late!) and another girl called out her name and lo! we had found our contact.

It was very interesting. We discussed the issues of the day – mainly the campaign to get parts of the North Sea designated as a marine reserve - and decided what events the group was going to do in the coming months.

In two weeks we are having a stall near the GLA building to promote the oceans campaign and next month we are going to leaflet Esso customers about the evils of E$$o.

I also got volunteered to work out a pub-crawl route round the South Bank area for a fundraising Christmas night in December. Any suggestions welcome.

It felt very good to finally be getting involved with trying to make a change instead of just sitting about talking about it. It is small-scale work but really, when it comes to things like this, every little helps.

All this on the day when hunting with dogs was banned after a scuffle in the House of Commons.

What a good day for nature!


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