A bird's eye view

Life from where I see it

Monday, July 05, 2004

Bat man

When it is cold, windy, damp and threatening to piss down again what is a girl-about-town (who forgot to take a coat or jumper with her) to do?

Yes, that's right, go on a bat watching walk in east London!

The Other Half organised for us to join Ken on a walk around Victoria Park on Friday night to see if we could spot some bats.

I have to confess, the pub we went to after work was warm and, apart from the shouty city boys, rather cosy and I didn't really want to go out and brave the English 'summer' in the hope of seeing some flying mammals.

However, once in 'Ackney I was glad I went. Ken turned out to be one of those infectiously enthusiastic people and he got all 50 of us (yes, 50 people turned up!) over-excited about searching for bats, even the fella at the back with a six-pack of Special Brew and 20 B&H.

And it was great. Heading into a deserted, locked park in the dark in London is actually really cool.

But the piece de resistance was Ken's bat boxes which detect the little critters' echo location noises and converts them into a sound like a wet fart. After about an hour, the bats appeared and guffed their way around the lake.

It was very cute. Cold, but cute.


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