A bird's eye view

Life from where I see it

Friday, July 02, 2004

Separated at birth?

Saddam Hussein and Matthew Kelly

Drinks and dinner in Canary Wharf with ‘Comedy’ Steve last night revealed some interesting social behaviour.

We were put off drinking in the bars at the entrance to the tube by the shit music pumping out of Smollensky’s, where men in suits were doing that funny dance - the one where they stand at 45 degrees on one leg and do the twist – with bored, overdressed too-beautiful-to-smile women.

So we headed up to Plateau where men in suits were hee-hawing about how much money they earn while the beautiful women blinded us with choking smoke from Camel fags. Do people really smoke Camels beyond their teens?

One very annoying bar tender later, and we left, which is a shame because Plateau is one of the best places in CW.

Observation = expensive, trendy bars attract nobs.

On to Wagamama in Jubilee Place. Bench tables, lots of glass, friendly service and a nice, if not predictable meal.

Observation = trendy but cheapo diner attracts reasonable people who want to talk to each other

And finally, a quick drink in Davy’s. Football on, lots of shouting by people with their backs to the screen. Some cheering by two Greece fans and many, many cheap-suited office workers.

Observation = Football attracts twats.

Overall, what I really came away with was that there is a clear social divide even in a place like Canary Wharf.

So what, you may say? So, nothing. It was just something I noticed.


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