A bird's eye view

Life from where I see it

Monday, March 14, 2005

Three films

Forget Nine Songs (it looks like a load of old w@nk, literally!) - We did Three Films instead.

Friday - The Chorus (Les Choristers)
Charming, French, feel-god kind of movie. A post war School Of Rock but instead of privileged kids these were 'troubled' teens and orphans in a virtual Borstal. And instead of rock, they learnt to sing choir-stylee. A lovely movie.

Saturday - Hotel Rwanda
Thoughtful and brilliantly acted story of how one man managed to save the lives of just over 1,000 people as Hutus went mad in Rwanda and macheted millions of Tutsis and Hutus to death while the UN could do nothing and the rest of the world stood around picking their nose. Story focussed on the true story of the bravery of Paul Rusesabagina, who stood up and was counted when the shit hit the fan. The film spares us the graphic depictions of violence but lays on the fear and horror caused by the genocide.
Just the thing to end a day of Greenpeace campaigning in Stratford!

Sunday - Constantine
Ridiculous comic-book anti-hero fights the devil and hell, while heaven seems to have abandoned him. Utter nonsense but quite entertaining. And of course. Keanu Reeves is always nice to look at on a Sunday afternoon, after a 16-mile bike ride round the canals and streets of London Town.


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