A bird's eye view

Life from where I see it

Thursday, March 10, 2005

All quiet on the Eastern front

Midweek roundup, which will be of no interest to anyone but myself and my future children, who might want to 'get to know' their mum through the medium on interweb diary keeping.

We cycled to the GP meeting last night - TOH did a lot better when he was in front as he was 'less panicked' by me setting the pace. But then, once he got going, I could hardly keep up, what with him being such a fit boy. And today, he announced that he has entered the London Triathlon!

So, from Sunday, when he was complaining the gears on his brand new bike were 'broken' because he didn't know how to work them, he has suddenly become a competitive cyclist! And swimmer and runner.

The only problem is, that after sending in his application, he realised that the event is on the same day as his mate's wedding. Which is a shame, because ever since we've lived on the dock, we've never been around for the triathlon!

The meeting was rather frustrating. We arrived at 7.35pm and it had already started. We were relegated to the back of the group on bar stools and couldn't hear a thing as the music was too loud. And some of the people annoyed me. I wish I could be more like my mate James, who genuinely seems to like everyone he meets. I get very annoyed by defensive people and people who think they know best .... (ha ha ha! Thank god you can't 'meet' yourself. I would probably have to kill me if I met me!)


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