A bird's eye view

Life from where I see it

Monday, March 07, 2005

Happy Birthday darling

The weekend was dedicated to my darling Other Half - he was a mere 29 years old on Sunday.

So, for Friday night's treat I took him to see National Anthems at the Old Vic. To be honest, it was a deeply disappointing play, with no real themes explored and no conclusions. It taught us nothing about life and how to relate to the world. It introduced us to nothing new, no insights into different cultures. It did have a few laughs and some good lines. It's only redeeming feature was that Kevin Spacey was in it. The real Kevin Spacey, from The Usual Suspects and American Beauty. And he was magnificent.

On Saturday, TOH was supposed to go to the football but instead spent all day sleeping off a surprise migraine. It was touch and go whether or not he would be better by the evening when his friends came over for dinner. I spent all day cooking (literally) so we were going to have that meal with or without him! But fortunately the migraine subsided and he was fine. Everyone loved my veggie pie and birthday cake, even though I cooked it at the wrong temperature and it was both burnt and soggy!

Sunday morning we went for a bike ride before I nipped off to Greenwich to meet Steve, Jo, Sarah, Gail and Chris. I abandoned TOH on his birthday to meet his family because BRIDGET and SARA were back! It was very nice to catch up with them - actually the MBE meister is back for good, which is excellent news.
In the evening we went to see Kinsey. Liam Neeson is brilliant as the 'sex doctor' as is Laura Linney (his wife). There is also a superb cameo from John Lithgow as Kinsey Snr.


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