A bird's eye view

Life from where I see it

Tuesday, September 28, 2004

Culcha is our middle name

Theatreland called to us again last night, this time the rather shabby Gielgud Theatre.

I took The Other Half to see One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest, starring Christian Slater and Mackenzie Crook.

It was an enjoyable show, well acted, and, of course, a great story, but nothing quite as remarkable as other things we have seen this year.

Slater, Hollywood boy, did a good job as RP McMurphy, especially as the role is so linked with Jack Nicholson. Crook was adequate as the stuttering Billy, although at the curtain call I had to restrain myself from shouting out G-G-G-G-Garath!

But it is good to see these people acting live. Just down the road, hundreds of screeching morons were gathered to wet themselves over the arrival of Jude Law et al for the première of Captain Skylark, or whatever that film is called.

Why do people do this? Lower themselves and worship these surgically enhanced people as if they are somehow better than they are? Jeez, “celebrities” shit, sleep and shag just like the rest of us – they just do a bit of acting for a living. It’s not as if they save lives, or anything.

Art is important. Without drama, song, painting, dance, our lives would hardly be worth living, but there is no need to prostrate yourself on the floor in front of the people who do these things. Especially Jude bloody Law!

Still, there has never been any accounting for the taste of the screaming masses.


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