Fish body count: 100,000
It looks like I am not the only person having trouble keeping fish alive – now we all are.
It is unbelievable that Victorian sewers were allowed to get in such a state that we managed to pollute the Thames, just as it was beginning to recover from the effects of having humans living along its banks.
We joined Greenpeace today. Our family membership only cost £24, which seems a little cheap to me. Still, it is a start. And hopefully we will be able to join in with some actions soon.
It is unbelievable that Victorian sewers were allowed to get in such a state that we managed to pollute the Thames, just as it was beginning to recover from the effects of having humans living along its banks.
We joined Greenpeace today. Our family membership only cost £24, which seems a little cheap to me. Still, it is a start. And hopefully we will be able to join in with some actions soon.
At 5:22 pm,
Anonymous said…
Have you seen that management training video about fish? Choose your attitude - choose your fish more like. Mine's a haddock - Peter
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