A bird's eye view

Life from where I see it

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

A bottle of your finest wine

A thoroughly splendid night was had by all who attended Zanakia, or was it Zanukia, by Southwark Bridge last night.

At first I thought the bar would not be letting me in as I arrived in full cycling kit - lots of luminous yellow and deeply uncool trouser clips - and the manager pounced on me.

It turns out he was merely establishing how many of us there would be and whether or not we would be requiring a window seat!

I did indeed want a table with a view, friend, I said to him, clocking his too pale jeans, checked shirt tucked in the waistband and realising that perhaps being cool isn't obligatory here. And bring me your drinks menu.

While I waited for the first arrivee, Gail, I rather confused one of the sour waitressess by asking her if the bar did a 'normal' mojito, rather than the exotically-named mojitos which contained foreign ingredients. She said they did but, remembering the legendary drinks in Dos Hermanos, in Old Havana Town, I behaved a bit like a twat and enquired into what sort of mint they used. The real deal Cuban-style barkeep was very proud of his American mint, and to be honest, I have never had a really decent mojito here (except those four or five when Bridget was last over).

Anyway, she decided to go and get a sample leaf but while she was gone, I decided I just wanted wine as the cocktail contains heaps of sugar. When she came back, I tasted the leaf, declared it bland and demanded a glass of their finest red.

Gail, Bellen and Jo arrived and the good times followed. Bellen was armed with pictures of wedding cake ideas and Jo with brochures for Gail's hen night ideas.

Poor old Bellenator was uncommonly ruffled and needed several drinks in a row to regain her posture - work is being a bugger for her as her MP conference speaker decided to mess her about.

We were all rather excited about the imminent return of the MBE-inator so Jo and I ordered a big fat chocolate brownie each for pudding, with choco-nut ice cream ... mmm diets, health and fitness went out the window!

A big cycle home, however, soon made me feel better. Southwark Bridge to Home in just 40minutes. Yesss!


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