A bird's eye view

Life from where I see it

Thursday, December 16, 2004

Dreaming of a Green Christmas

(FLAT UPDATE: The bathroom has no tiles on the floor. The wood underneath smelt like a pack of damp huskies. Now there is a plumber removing the toilet to take out the floor. Can it get any worse? We will be living like this until at least the end of January.)

The boat is finished. It looks a bit better, well it will when I put a second coat of paint on in the spring. But I rather like its new dark green finish. And the rust has been treated, which was the thing that kept me awake at night.

Last night, TOH and I went on a Greenpeace 'pub crawl' to raise funds for the Southbank group. It was quite good fun bursting into pubs with a chorus of Jingle Bells and talking to the festive punters. Some of the more poncy bars told us to f* off but the proper boozers were all quite welcoming.

I was amazed that people were much more friendly being asked for money than they were when we stood along the Thames asking people to sign a postcard for the Oceans campaign! (Have you signed it yet?)

I don't know how much we raised but I am guessing about £50, which is a good start.


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