Action-packed Sunday
- We were woken by the phone. It was my old man with distressing news: he had fallen off a ladder trying to pick apples from the tree in his back garden.
He balanced the end on a branch 'with no leaves' not thinking that perhaps it was dead. The next thing he knew he was laying on the grass feeling dizzy and with an extremely painful foot/ankle which he couldn't walk on.
But did he call me? No, he sat around for the day, and decided to ring his brother this morning.
I told him to go to casualty to get it checked out but when Uncle B arrived, they headed straight off to his house, where I finally caught up with dad lying on B's sofa.
Ageing parents - who'd 'ave 'em, eh? And he doesn't even like eating apples! - TOH had the bright idea of going to the Cats Protection League in Archway, to go and bother some pussy puds. The CPL allows 'volunteers' in to pet the cats and play with them. It was actually very cute. There were about 20 moggies in cages, some wanting a fuss, others preferring to bite you.
We were there for about an hour-and-a-half playing with pussies ranging from kitten to pensioner. The two which I thought were the nicest, intellectual-types were being reserved by a hippy-looking couple as we left. - And on to Parliament Hill for a picnic and to look at the table and chair sculpture.
I was rather underwhelmed by the big furniture. I guess I thought it would be bigger. This just didn't impress me much ...
The views did impress. All the way to Shooters Hill.
And as TOH commented, we came all this way to look at where we live through binoculars. We could see The Dome, but not our block of flats. Amazingly, we could also see the Dagenham wind turbines, but not in this picture. - On the way home we stopped off at the cinema again to see Unleashed. This is a film I have been waiting about four months to see. Jet Li is Bob Hoskins' trained killer (Kung Fu-stylee) and is like a young child/dog. He becomes friends with blind piano tuner Morgan Freeman and his daughter (the actress's name I didn't catch). Excellent fight scenes and an original plot line, as far a kung-fu gangster-type plots can be. Highly recommended.
While downloading these pics from the camcorder, we were highly entertained to find two pictures taken when we were in Wells for Gail and Chris' wedding. They are the funniest things I have seen for a long time - minutes from the Priddy Parish Council. They have to be read to be believed!
Click on the images to enlarge

Look out for 'Trundle Wheel' loaning and the decision on Orchard FM's appearance at the sheep fair.
Ah, the resignation of Alan and Judith, and Nobby's acceptance. Item 4 is a classic.
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