Aaaaand, cut!
Sunday was possibly the most exciting day we've had for a long time.
In the morning we met the father-in-law and went into town to visit the Great Eastern Hotel as part of the open house weekend. We queued for ages but were finally let in and given the tour. The most amazing bit, which is the bit every goes for, was this Grecian Masonic Lodge built inside. It was all made of marble and covered in creepy masonic symbols. I was chilled to the bone for as impressive as it was, it was very unpleasant inside.
After, we headed to Ciro's pizza which is housed in a former Victorian turkish bath. It is lovely - all eastern tiles, a little domed roof and beautiful tiled pillars. The food wasn't bad either although it was stingy portions.
Then we strolled through the city, retracing some of the London Wall walk, down to Fleet Street to meet the mother-in-law who was working as an extra on the Da Vinci Code, which was being filmed there with Tom Hanks and Audery Tatou.
Well, we managed to time our arrival with the bit where Hanks and Tatou emerge from a doorway and run down the street. There were cameras everywhere, men with curly earpieces asking us to move out of the way and lots of confused-looking tourists.
It wasn't long before we realised most of the confused tourists were actually extras who were always in the same place:

Here is Tom Hanks:

Here is Ritchie from The Happy Days, who also directed Cinderella Man:

Here is Tom given some directions to confused tourists:

Here are Tom and Audrey running from some assassins:

Here is Tom hiding round a corner from said assassins:

And here is the mother-in-law dressed as a nun. Apparently the Hanks character runs through a group of sightseeing nuns knocking them all over the place:

To be continued ...
In the morning we met the father-in-law and went into town to visit the Great Eastern Hotel as part of the open house weekend. We queued for ages but were finally let in and given the tour. The most amazing bit, which is the bit every goes for, was this Grecian Masonic Lodge built inside. It was all made of marble and covered in creepy masonic symbols. I was chilled to the bone for as impressive as it was, it was very unpleasant inside.
After, we headed to Ciro's pizza which is housed in a former Victorian turkish bath. It is lovely - all eastern tiles, a little domed roof and beautiful tiled pillars. The food wasn't bad either although it was stingy portions.
Then we strolled through the city, retracing some of the London Wall walk, down to Fleet Street to meet the mother-in-law who was working as an extra on the Da Vinci Code, which was being filmed there with Tom Hanks and Audery Tatou.
Well, we managed to time our arrival with the bit where Hanks and Tatou emerge from a doorway and run down the street. There were cameras everywhere, men with curly earpieces asking us to move out of the way and lots of confused-looking tourists.
It wasn't long before we realised most of the confused tourists were actually extras who were always in the same place:

Here is Tom Hanks:

Here is Ritchie from The Happy Days, who also directed Cinderella Man:

Here is Tom given some directions to confused tourists:

Here are Tom and Audrey running from some assassins:

Here is Tom hiding round a corner from said assassins:

And here is the mother-in-law dressed as a nun. Apparently the Hanks character runs through a group of sightseeing nuns knocking them all over the place:

To be continued ...
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